[Vote Your Favourite Skin] event concluded! The winner skin is Swimsuit!
[Vote Your Favourite Skin] event held 16/06 – 22/06 has now concluded. From the three skins: Bear muppet, Swimsuit and Bunny, the Swimsuit received the highest vote and will be given to all players Q1 2023.

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【Game info】
Title : Little Witch Nobeta
Genre : Action adventure
Platforms : Nintendo Switch/ PlayStation®4/Steam
Release Date : 29th September 2022
Dub : Japanese
Language : Traditional Chinese, English, Japanese
Player : 1
Developer : Pupuya Games
Co-developer : 希萌創意(SimonCreative)
Publisher : 傑仕登(JUSTDAN)
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《Little Witch Nobeta》STEAM: